Ranger Pro Herbicide 41% Glyphosate Weed Killer, 2.5 Gallons Weed Killer
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Ranger Pro Herbicide, 2.5 Gallons, Glyphosate
Ranger Pro Herbicide 2.5 Gallon Details:
Ranger Pro with 41% Glyphosate is a complete broad-spectrum non-selective post-emergent professional systemic herbicide.
- Highly concentrated, 41% glyphosate Ranger Pro Herbicide is a high quality fast acting systemic total vegetation killer.
- It is formulated as a water-soluble liquid with a surfactant, therefore no additional surfactant is needed.
- This will kill most weeds and grasses on contact.
- Starts working fast, often within 1-2 hours, and kills weeds and grasses on contact, roots and all.
- Ranger Pro is then absorbed into the soil and breaks down naturally, and therefore will not spread through the soil and damage to other root sysems are nominal
- Use 1.5 - 4 fl. oz. per 1 gallon of water for the most applications.
- Please note: This product will kill any vegetation, grasses, or weeds upon contact.
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Always read and follow label directions when using any pesticide.
Please do not purchase if your State does not register this product as a general use pesticide.