Offering a Re-pack of a Professional Blend Fescue in 5 Pound Packs, Origin Oregon
Great For Spot Repairs, Thin Areas, Patches of Poor Performing Spots
A Blend of Fescue Seed will out Perform any Single Blend
Great Traffic Tolerance and Brown Patch Resistance
Prime Time Fescue includes 3 of the leading fescues in tests conducted by the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program.
Includes Bullseye LTZ Tall Fescue, Hemi Tall Fescue, Firehawk SLT Tall Fescue
New Lawns: 8 lbs per 1000 sq. ft.
Overseeding: 4 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft or 170 lbs per acre
This unique mixture of top performing turf type tall fescues delivers superior heat tolerance required in the transition regions
of the U.S. and still provides all the high quality features of cool season turfgrass. This mix is suitable for athletic fields, golf course roughs, and home lawns