Southern Giant Curled Mustard Seed, 250 Seed Packet
Maturity 50-70 days.
All-America Selections winner for 1935.
With crumpled, frilled edges, the bright green leaves impart a mild, mustardy flavor.
Served raw, the young leaves are tasty in salads. They're also delicious lightly stir-fried or sauteed.
This heirloom mustard is a superb candidate for freezing or canning. Cold-resistant and slow to bolt, the large, upright and vigorous plants spread to 18-24".
Harvest young leaves in about 50 days or more mature leaves in about 70.
- For optimum flavor, grow in cool weather.
- Prepare the bed by turning the soil under to a depth of 8 inches. Level with a rake to remove clumps of grass and stones.
- Sow in average well-worked soil in full sun. Do not plant where members of the cabbage family were planted in the past two years. Plant in early spring and again in midsummer for a fall crop.
- In rows 24 inches apart, sow seeds evenly and cover with ½ inch fine soil. Firm lightly and water gently.
- Seedlings emerge in 10-21 days depending on soil and weather conditions.
- For continuous harvest, sow every 14 days until the weather becomes hot.
- Thin gradually to stand 12 inches apart starting when seedlings are about 1-2 inches high.